Video: How does soap kill the coronavirus?
ScienceJames GouldScience, coronavirus, COVID-19, handwashing, virus, clean hands, clean, soap tips, soap lifestyle, soap bar, soap, soaps
Why Hand-washing Beats Hand Sanitizer Hands Down!
HygieneJames Gouldclean hands, clean, handwashing, germs, virus, coronavirus, COVID-19, soap tips, soap lifestyle, soap bar, soap bars
Getting back to chemistry basics: How simple soap saves lives
ScienceJames Gouldsoap bar, bar soap, Science, chemicals, virus, coronavirus, COVID-19, soap bars, bar soap info, bar soaps, clean, compounds in cleaning products, clean hands, cleaning products
COVID-19 expert explains what soap does to virus
HygieneJames Gouldsoap tips, soap bar, soap lifestyle, COVID-19, coronavirus, germs, virus, hygiene, personal hygiene, clean, cleaning products, clean hands