Video: How does soap kill the coronavirus?
ScienceJames GouldScience, coronavirus, COVID-19, handwashing, virus, clean hands, clean, soap tips, soap lifestyle, soap bar, soap, soaps
Why Hand-washing Beats Hand Sanitizer Hands Down!
HygieneJames Gouldclean hands, clean, handwashing, germs, virus, coronavirus, COVID-19, soap tips, soap lifestyle, soap bar, soap bars
Here's Why Washing Your Hands With Soap For 20 Seconds Protects You From COVID-19
Hygiene, ScienceJames Gouldhygiene, Science, clean, clean hands, cleaning products, virus, coronavirus, germs, handwashing
Clean Beauty: 14 bar soaps for a zero-waste skincare routine this summer
ProductJames Gouldhair soap, healthy hair, eco conscious lifestyle, eco friendly, ecology, zero waste, soap bar, body soap, best soap bars, bars of soap, handwashing, clean hands, clean, facial cleansing, best facial bar soap, green
School experiment shows students the effects of not washing their hands
Wash your hands. No, really.
Life Skills for Your LifeSpan: The Five Myths Of Handwashing
Does bar soap work better than liquid soap?